Stats Showing the Future of Mobile App growth and its Success in 2020

Enterprise mobility is a hot catch point for organizations going into 2020. The reality of the situation is, having a presence over a mobile device is the basic requirement to sustain in the market. As mobility keeps on reclassifying how businesses work, traditional enterprises should be aware of the way that they are never again just in rivalry with one another, but with mobile-first organizations that are getting noticed by increasingly mobile society.

We all are aware of the fact that finding success in the mobile market is a hectic task. If you’re looking forward to getting successful in the mobile market you require in-depth research, extensive planning and lots of dedication. Understanding the current mobile landscape is imperative to both enterprises that currently have mobile services, and those looking to break into the market as they move forward in developing a mobile strategy that best suits their business objectives.

Before focusing on mobile application development, it's essential to be comfortable with the mobile landscape in general. Here I’ve mentioned some stats derived from App Annie that will be useful for you if you are looking forward to marking your footprint in different markets.
Mobile Usage

According to several reports, it is expected that the number of app downloads will substantially grow well past 2020 along with increment in the number of mobile users and mobile devices as well. These stats are enough to prove how mobile devices have become an integral part of our society.
  • By 2021, there will be around 7 billion mobile users around the world. 
  • By 2022 yearly mobile application downloads are anticipated to arrive at 258 billion. That is a 45 % expansion from 178 billion downloads in 2017. 
  • By 2022 app store users spending is expected to increase by 92 % to $157 billion globally. 
  • In 2019, the normal US adults went through their phones for three hours and 43 minutes on an average. 
  • Mobile app users in the United States have more than 100 applications installed on their cell phones. 
  • A mobile user checks his/her cell phone around 63 times a day on an average.
  • Mobile applications represent 57 % of every digital media usage.

Mobile users these days don't simply find their devices helpful, they are simply dependent upon them in all means. With the continuing increment on the mobile dependency of people, it is very important to adapt such business models that are well suited in consumers favour.
  • Performance of mobile apps
When we talk about mobile, we talk about extremely high standards for functionality as well as performance. It’s compulsory to adopt different visual contents that ultimately helps to translate seamlessly across varying screen sizes and different devices. Native apps are quick, responsive, and delivers a generally well-received user experience. 

Your mobile app designer needs to adjust content and determine device resolution to properly accommodate the presentation and delivery of digital media. Mobile apps need to get tested thoroughly before its launch. Different factors like load times, product crashes, and complicated registration fields all results in poor user experience and are enough to disrupt the chances of you getting success in the market.
  • App crashes amounts to 71 % of uninstallation of the app. 
  • Users find 44 % of in-app defects. 
  • 47 % of apps need more time for testing. 
  • 52 % of app users are disturbed because of their overall performance. 
  • If users don’t find an app valuable, 29 % of them are likely to abandon the app. 
  • Reportedly, 43 % of users find themselves unhappy if they have to wait 3 secs for the loading of an app.
  • As per the reports, 65 % of users say a poor mobile experience negatively impacts their opinion over a brand. 
If you haven’t properly tested your product, it’s simply not market-ready. A documented testing process is a critical element of any mobile strategy. 

  • According to reports, November 2018 was the biggest mobile shopping month of all time. 
  • Users tend to invest 4.6 to 5 minutes on shopping and retail apps on an average.
  • There was 70 % of the growth is seen in US mobile shopping in the past two years. 

Banking and FinTech
  • Apps related to Banking and FinTech has been an increment of 75 % amounting to over 3.4 billion downloads.
  • Average spending time on these apps is around 3.1 minutes. 
Food, Restaurants and QSRs
  • Food app usage climbs up to a whopping 130 % more in 2018 as compared to 2016.
  • Food delivery apps’ usage grew by 255 % and 175 % in the US and Canada respectively. 

  • The top 5 car-sharing apps grew 25 % year over year.
  • In bike and scooter sharing apps made their debut witnessing a growth of 530 % in user base.
  • 2.8 minutes was an average session duration on travel apps. 
Predictions for 2020 and Beyond
  • Global mobile app revenue is projected to generate $582 billion.
  • Mobile users are predicted to spend approx. 47 minutes/day on social media apps. 
  • The global mobile gaming market is expected to reach $165.9 billion in 2020. 
  • It is expected that the global mobile workforce is going to hit 1.87 billion marks by 2022. 
  • Around 100 million smartphone users will be using voice assistants in 2020. 
  • By 2021 in-app advertising spend is predicted to triple and reach $201 billion U.S. dollars. 

Last Words

Looking at the above reports we can say the mobile market shows no signs of slowing down. At this point in the game, with the majority of influential enterprises already having a mobile product on the market focus should shift to improving a current product to deliver more value to customers. 

With many organizations failing to consider key trends and patterns into strategic growth plans, leveraging the insights from the statistics listed above, can shed light on trends that can manifest into opportunities. Acting on this newfound opportunities has the potential to lead to greater success, reaching business goals, cutting costs and getting a leg up on the competition. If you are looking forward to making your mark in the market you need to deliver value, businesses need to meet customer expectations.

In case you’re looking for mobile app development services, you can opt for a mobile app development company. Quantumsoftech is a next-gen quality-led mobile application development service provider dealing in extensive types of operating systems – Android & iOS. Having a team of world-class mobile app developers who is adept in preparing & launching the exemplary yet technologically smart mobility solutions for the variant business type.


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