Why Should You Opt Swift Language for iOS App Development?

I don’t think someone who is associated with custom iOS app development doesn’t know about the Swift language. It is a programming language that is created by Apple and for Apple devices solely. With numerous advantages it offers, this language has been at the top for quite a long time in the iOS app development field.

These are the top advantages of working around the Swift language:
  • Open source and popular among the wide community of developers
  • Faster and safer
  • Memory is well managed
  • Dynamic libraries are supported
To be honest this blog is Swift centric and here we will provide you different reasons why you should go with this language for your next project on iOS app development.

Reason #1 - Swift is comparatively faster than other languages

We all are aware that technologies these days require a high speed of performance which is taken care of by Swift. Reports derived from various tests suggest that Swift showcased top performance C++. We all can consider Swift as a new language and the fact is it is in a state of rapid development which is happening on a daily basis. That’s why it is so popular among iOS application development firms.

Reason #2 - Swift facilitates ease of reading and writing of the codes

The second most reason behind Swift’s popularity is the easiness it offers in reading and writing of the code. The fact that Swift doesn’t include lots of symbols, rather it uses a list of parameters separated by commas within parentheses. This certainly omits the chance of mistakes committed by the programmers and keeps codes cleans which was not possible with Objective-c and other languages.

Reason #3 - Swift is an open-source language

As we all know Apple is known for its creativity and innovation. Swift was open-sourced to allow coders to enhance its functionalities and allow them to build it together to make it useful and portable to different platforms. You can hire iOS app developers who are handy with swift for your next iOS mobile app development project. This gives a chance to millions of developers to work with Swift which was earlier hundreds or thousands in numbers.

Reason #4 Availability of API can be checked with Swift

Developers can check and choose from different APIs by the API availability check function. Practically this means your iOS app id likely to use certain APIs that are available only for a particular deployment goal.

Reason #5 Maximizes the performance of the app

Many iPhone app development companies use Swift language to bring out the best performance in the app developed by them. Functionalities offered by this language can be implemented faster as compared to the other languages. Memory management is taken care of efficiently by this programming language.

Reason #6 Dynamic libraries are supported

Earlier we mentioned that Swift is a coding language that is developing at a rapid pace as time is passing by. However, it allows you to update your app as soon as the new version of Swift is available which is a result of using dynamic libraries.

Wrap Up

So, that’s it, these were the different benefits of using Swift for the iOS app development. With the availability of different features, it is considered as one of the top programming language used by most iOS app development company like Quantumsoftech. Firefox, WordPress and many popular iOS apps were developed using Swift and see where they stand now. Thus, it would be in your best interest to use Swift language for your next iOS mobile app development project. If you are reading this and in need to hire an iOS app developer you can always contact us for the same. We have an immensely experienced team of iOS developers working dedicatedly to deliver projects on time for clients across the globe.


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  11. Thank you for this insightful blog post on the benefits of using Swift for iOS app development. At FYI Solutions, we've experienced firsthand the advantages Swift brings, especially in the development of our crypto exchange app. Swift's speed, safety features, and modern syntax have significantly enhanced our productivity and the overall performance of our app. It's clear that Swift is a robust choice for anyone looking to build high-quality iOS applications. Keep up the great content!

  12. Great discussion on why Swift is a strong choice for iOS development! Your insights into the language's advantages are spot-on. As a Mobile App Development Company, we frequently utilize Swift to create efficient and high-performing apps. Thanks for sharing these valuable points about its benefits!


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