5 Reasons why PHP web development is your business's next requirement

Going back to the year 2013, according to researched data, PHP language was found in over 244 million websites. And in 2018, it is found that this server-side programming language has around 82% market share across the globe – that is why this language is trusted for web development use. Now, what is PHP language basically? PHP or say Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language that is used to write the scripts for the “web-based applications” and now “GUI-based applications” too. It basically adds to the HTML codes and is able to make any web page dynamic one from old boring static one – by giving it a capacity to interact with the databases more promptly. Here is a small syntax of canonical PHP tag – This is how this language works: Input: <?php # Here echo command is used to print echo "Hello, world!" ; ?> Output: Hello, world! Now, when it is clear what this language is all about, here are a few advantages discussin...